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Bill Horsman

Read my blog if you want.

I like to build beautiful interfaces that do useful jobs so that people can get things done quickly, easily and with fewer mistakes.

I've been adding things to the Internet since 1997 and have used lots of tools to do so, but throughout it all runs HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  1. Sporadic coding in BASIC for fun using computers like the BBC Micro, ZX81 and Commodore PET.
  2. Did surprisingly little coding as part of my engineering degree. What little I did was Fortran.
  3. Someone paid me a small amount to write code. My first gig.
  4. Started contracting for a big company and made enough money to pay the rent and buy food, like a grown-up.
  5. Wrote code that ran on the Interwebs. Exciting but so frustratingly hard to do even the simplest of things. I won't memtion the language or I get recruiters getting in touch for jobs in a language I haven't used in 18 years. It rhymes wih lava.
  6. Started using Ruby on Rails version 1. Rails has come a long way since then but even version 1 was a breath of fresh air.
  7. Joined Team Tito, helping to build Tito, Vito and IO.
  8. Still here, still using Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS and JavaScript but also things like Hotwire.

I've worked for banks, telecoms, government, education, distribution, retail and news media. Some of it has been at the leading edge using the latest tools; some of it has been the rigor of maintaining a financial system. All of it has taught me a great deal: