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Posts by Bill. You can also subscribe to the feed.

  1. Light and dark
    This site has had a light and dark mode for a while but now you can toggle it on the site.
  2. Markdown with Pandoc and Netlify
    Converting markdown to HTML with style.
  3. Being an engineer means I can break things in my spare time too
    Last Sunday morning I was emptying the ash from our wood pellet furnace — something I've done around 100 times
  4. Vanilla Marathon
    Running a marathon, virtually.
  5. Just Rails
    Stepping away from Webpack and JSON API driven UIs
  6. Blogging with Eleventy
    Adding a blog to this website (which you are now reading)
  7. Not The Heb
    Tour on the Edge, adventures on the Outer Hebrides
  8. Stop doing this
    Remembering to fail later (in your automatic tests)
  9. Buttons for AASM events
    Don't make your UI think harder than it has to